The Laguna Brava Provincial Reserve located in the Andes mountain range in the province of La Rioja, is one of the most spectacular places in the country, due to the richness and multicolored beauty that is combined with history, flora and fauna of Puno, located at 4,300 meters above sea level, in the Puna region. The 405,000 hectares of Laguna Brava were declared at the beginning of the 80s as a Provincial Park and then Ramsar Site, a declaration given to some sites to protect the life of their ecosystems.
Laguna Brava
In its route you can enjoy not only mountains that exceed 4 thousand and 5 thousand meters but also volcanoes that exceed 6 thousand meters, giving it that scenic beauty that will captivate you every second, in each curve, with each story and story.
In its natural environment, a series of wild animals are protected, such as guanacos, vicunas, pumas, flamingos and other migratory birds that look for food in each spring to procreate.
Laguna Brava complements the rest of the sites and products as alternatives to be visited from Vinchina, Villa Castelli, Villa Unión, Chilecito, La Rioja or San Juan, taking full advantage of their stay. Do not miss the opportunity to know this beauty.
How to Arrive?
We recommend Travel Agency with experience in the transfer by codillera, or 4×4 vehicle, private car always accompanied by a site guide, or From all the points located and mentioned above throughout the Bermejo Valley you can hire different transport and guide services and visit the Reserve. It is recommended that for your safety and not having nearby towns around the Lagoon, do not enter alone.
If you travel by private vehicle in Vinchina you must hire a tour guide. You cannot enter the mountain range without an authorized guide.
Service stations Villa Unión, Villa Castelli and Vinchina. Keep in mind that several service stations only have super gasoline, diesel (not euro), nor do they provide gas. From the city of La Rioja or San Juan, these are the last points for fuel station.
Not all the route within the reserve is paved, so you must have and pay close attention not to leave the officially established roads. For this reason it is recommended to go with a site guide. Always drive with caution, due to the presence of loose animals or maintenance work on the routes. Entry into the reserve is prohibited after 3:00 p.m., at any time of the year. Extreme all care.
Unmissable highlights along the way:
The Bermejo Valley is one of the richest and most important valleys in landscape beauty ideal for observation and photography. You must take care of visiting times when going to the Laguna Brava Reserve
Cerro El Toro in Villa Castelli (on RN 76).
The County in Villa Castelli
Quebrada de la Troya in Vinchina (on RN76)
You can enter from 9 am to 2 pm. Always accompanied by a site guide or Travel Agency enabled.
At certain times of the year such as torrential rains or extreme snowfall, the passage may be closed, in these cases consult, in a tourist information booth, Police, Gendarmerie, Travel Agency etc., these usually have almost instantaneous information and / or status Climate of the Reserve.
Keep in mind that in all cases you should bring water, light food, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, comfortable shoes, and when you are above 4,000 meters remember to wear a coat, good shoes etc.
What to do in La Reserva
The Guided Services and transport will make you enjoy the options offered in terms of tours. This will depend on the time available and the degree of difficulty that can be overcome. Remember that you cannot carry out any activity within the reservation if it is correctly accompanied by a site guide.
The options are described below:
Itinerary: Jagué – Chacritas – Refugio El Peñón – Portezuelo de la Laguna – Laguna Brava hasta Bahía de los Flamencos.
Long 72 km.
Extension 1: continue to Refugio de La Laguna y Los Geiseres: 16 km.
Extension 2: continue toLaguna Mulas Muertas: 20 km.
Entry hours from 05:00 am to 02:00 pm. (Time 14:00)
Return time until 06:00 pm (time 18:00)
Suitable for all types of vehicles, cars, trucks, minivans, combis and minibuses.
Itinery: Jagué – Chacritas – Refugio El Peñón – Portezuelo de la Laguna – Laguna Brava, Bahía de los Flamencos, Refugio de La Laguna, Los Geiseres, Refugio del Veladero, Barrancas Blancas y Paso de Pircas Negras.
Long 154 km.
Entry hours from 05:00 am to 10:00 am.
Return time until 06:00 pm (time 18:00)
Suitable for all types of vehicles, cars, trucks, minivans, combis and minibuses.
Itinerary: Jague – Chacritas – Refugio El Peñón – Portezuelo de la Laguna – Laguna Brava, Bahía de los Flamencos, Refugio de La Laguna, Los Geiseres, Refugio del Veladero, Barrancas Blancas, salida Off Road al Valle del Rio Salado por huella a Quebrada Seca Sur hasta El Volcancito.
Long 155 km. 145 km of asphalt roads and consolidated gravel road and 12 km of Off Road.
Entry hours from 05:00 am to 10:00 am.
Return time until 06:00 pm (time 18:00)
Only the entry of all-terrain vehicles, 4x4s will be allowed and they must comply with the provisions of ART 5-1-4 b and ART 5-1-4-c
Not Suitable for Cars, 4×2 Trucks, Minivans, Combis and Minibuses.
Frequent questions:
Can I stay the Reserve?
In the Reserve area there are no places to stay or camp. There is only the possibility of some in mountain shelters or in the area of Barrancas Blancas, only in case of emergency.